====== AB Config API ======
Host: sg01.picalike.copex-kunden.de
Port: 9096
===== git =====
Im git zu finden als:
$ git clone ssh://picalike@sg01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de/home/picalike/repositories/web-apis/ab_test.git
===== Endpunkte =====
==== /ab_config/fill [PUT, POST] ====
**in: als args**
{"apikey": , "from": , "till": , "status": , "dist_p": , "name": , "testId": , "description": }
from und till als String im Format: “2015-11-30-10:00:00”.
status (activity status)
dist_p (distribution parameter in real-valued range [0, 1], i.e. 0.856)
testId ist id.
{"status": , "testId": }
==== /ab_config/get_ab_tests [GET] ====
**in: als args**
{"apikey": }
[{“apikey”: , “from”: , “till”: , “status”: , “dist_p”: , “name”: , “testId”: , “description”: }, …] d.h. als Liste
==== /ab_config/get_all_ab_tests [GET] ====
**in: no parameters required**
**out:** List of dictionaries of the form as in endpoint output /ab_config/get_ab_tests.
===== API-interne Endpunkte (Entwickler) =====
==== /ab_config/subscribe [PUT] ====
**in: als data/form**
{"url": }
==== /ab_config/unsubscribe [PUT] ====
**in: als data/form**
{"url": }
==== /ab_config/all_subscribers [GET] ====
[{[some_id , url ]}, ...]