Diggi, there is a long-lost-running api in frontend06-hpc (The name is “new_api”), that the logs are not rotating. So, from time to time, the partition /mnt/storage if full. This document, tries to explain the procedure to solve that. Basically, the person needs just to rm the log, on /home/picalike/logs, and than restart the uwsgi aplication. BEFORE: {{/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=before_f06.png}} AFTER: {{/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=after_f06.png}} LOG FILE: {{/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=log_file.png}} So: * rm ~/logs/new_api.log * echo 'q' > /run/shm/new_api.ctrl * uwsgi –ini /mnt/storage/var/etc/new_api.ini & * ## Check if is running * less ~/logs/new_api.log