====== Hamachi ====== **How to install** To download the package, you can access Link: https://www.vpn.net/linux or use: wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.203-1_amd64.deb To install: sudo dpkg -i logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.203-1_amd64.deb After installation, you can use help command to find more about Hamachi. sudo hamachi help **Create an network** To start hamachi, use: sudo hamachi login To set the name to machine: sudo hamachi set-nack To create an network: sudo hamachi create To join in an network: sudo hamachi join **IPs:** Hamachi use give you IPv4 and IPv6 that you can use to access the machines in your environment.