===== Android: =====
1 - Main branch is the correct for work or have a batter or update branch.
5 - If they already update the SDK version bem?
2 - Need every API level Android. For example 30 → 31 → 32.
3 - When we try to use the documentation to setup the dev environment don t work, the build proccess broken
3.1 - Task :app:processDebugResources FAILED:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.Workers$ActionFacade
> Android resource linking failed
1.7.0/res/values/values.xml:105:5-114:25: AAPT: error: resource android:attr/lStar not found.
4 - About key for deploy, are in the documentation or repository? and we use the same for deploy new application versions?
5 - The application needs to be run together with the MobileAPI, I mean like, need to run MobileAPI to run the application?
6 - Has this ever happened with Adam that the application was built but not open? If yes, why did this happen?
adb logger
===== General: =====
1 - He is developer for iphone too or only for android, if develop for iphone too, what OS Adam use for this?
2 - What they use for database migrations?
3 - Have a Get company stat, we can run this script without problem in prod ? (or this has a side effect)
4 - They already have a automatic backup?
5 - have some old thing repository or all things is used?
6 - All things are in the backend repository?
====== Repository Structure ======
app # php app
artisan # something about php autoloading, why do we need this?
babel.config.js # javascript
behat.yml # testing laravel applications https://github.com/laracasts/Behat-Laravel-Extension
bootstrap # php
client # javascript, react, where is it deployed?
composer.json # php package manager
composer.lock # php package manager
config # part of of the laravel application
cypress # javascript component testing: https://www.cypress.io/
database # migrations
dist # ??? javascript entrypoint?
docker-compose.yml # for local development
Dockerfile.postgres # database
Dockerfile.web # webserver
features # ???
generators # used by yeoman.io to generate scaffolding (compare mobile/README.md)
gulpfile.js # related to a build system used by?
init_data.sql # database initialization
mobile # react-native app for android and iOS
mobileApi # Where is it used? and what for?
package.json # javascript package manager
phpunit.xml # php unit testing
public # entry point for the web server
readme.md # default laravel readme.md... no project specific information
resources # used by laravel app
server.php # laravel entry point? why is this here?
stories # javascript https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/introduction
# it is a way to develop UI elements
tests # php tests
webpack.config.js # javascript webpack config (needed for nodejs?)
yarn.lock # javascript package manager
====== Documentation from Adam ======
here are documents that should be important to the intao project:
* architecture workflow https://drive.google.com/file/d/10_TxiGgzws9FZEcyBHGpi_0UoVXub6eN/view?usp=drive_link
* server scripts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nWudzSdPiRGwph77hEa7k1lLc0wZ49Se/edit
* style guides: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gjV2rLuZTB8O_gGVzw5t8Jt8v8U6VcPZ/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
* definition of done: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NdAL2hw3isthwkToq-DEoIUap9To0VK7/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
* support guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pD6-rw9wEn9cNS0cgKr6-bqdvs6pFLpr/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
* release guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dreeEXUCijLUhM95Sjha4iRIAsf3b8vX/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
* developer enviroment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vzk8J_qavJW0HJtwPn_iV0U3QU977e8-/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
* DevOps: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R18jyvH0OBUv1cXCTc2n4CP2rhl6rgzR/edit
* Technical Takeover: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T65zez1YfhEThVzPVyembNFeUqcllnvn/edit