===== REPO =====
Look api repo:
====== CONFIG ======
available keys:
* per_feed_config_folder - path to folder where files of the schema “look_api_.conf” exist. (see “Per Customer Configuration” for available config options)
* lilly_url - path to unix socket
* redis - dictionary with redis settings
* billingDir - path where the billing should be stored
* active_users_url - url where currently active users can be requested
* pci_server_url - url to the pci server
* logging_conf_json - configuration for python logging
====== Per Customer Configuration ======
Configured via Mongo settings: Collection “user”, key: “settings.look_api”
The following settings are available:
* “max_looks” (default: 1) - sets the maximum number of looks that should be returned in an API request (only active during img_id_mode)
* “max_duration” (default: 1.0) - in seconds… checked after a look calculation has completed. If duration > max_duration, no further looks will be calculated for this request