====== Read the central log ====== The central log can be found on ''%%index03%%'' at ''%%/mnt/storage/var/log/%%''. The central.log file itself contains the feed (import, update, …) related logging of one day. You can see the logging of the past 14 days by looking into the ''%%central.log..gz%%'' files with ''%%central.log.1.gz%%'' containing yesterdays logging. ===== Searching the log ===== Since the file(s) contain data from different modules you might want to search for different things. Here you find an (incomplete) list of useful commands for searching. In case you search in the .gz files replace grep with zgrep (only in the file access not after pipes). * search for log level and component: ''%%grep ERROR /mnt/storage/var/log/central.log | grep “image-server”%%'' * search for specific error: ''%%grep “certificate verify failed” central.log%%'' * search for component and uid: ''%%grep “feed_import” central.log | grep “ 3530:”%%'' Keywords: v3 lilly feed