====== Filters ====== TBD * color: * default - [optional] the value that should be used unless it is overwritten, most useful is “sameAsRef” * matches - [optional] matching rules e.g. “Orange” → “Orange”, “Yellow”, “Red” * price: * kind - [optional] “absolute” or “relative”, default=“relative” * till - [optional] str * kind==absolute: the amount that should be added to the product price for filtering, example: value = 1000, the product price is 10000, so the price filter would look for products, that cost at most 11000 * kind==relative: the percentage that should be added to the price for filtering, examples: “10%” → 0.1, “1000%” → 10.0, “-100%” → -1.0 * from - [optional] str ====== Options ====== * limit: int - it determines how many results should be returned (default=10) * f: “auto”|float(0.0 - 1.0) - determines if shape (f=1) or color (f=0) should be emphasized * format: “txt”|“json” ====== Sim-API ====== {{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} this should be on the sim-api page, which does not exist yet {{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} only reco rules parameters * rsg: str - name of rule set group * rr_refresh: str - {{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} internal parameter {{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} any value other than the empty string forces a reload of the reco rules (e.g. for preview purposes) * here is an example for the whole request: http://api.picalike.com/api.php?key=&i=&rsg=live&rr_refresh=true&test=1&redis=off * key is the apikey * i is the product id that is used for querying * rsg and rr_refresh… see above * test=1 means we do not want to add the request to the billing ({{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} never show this to a customer) * redis=off forces a recalculation of the result ({{/dokuwiki/lib/images/smileys/icon_exclaim.gif|:!:}} never show this to a customer) * api.picalike.com might not have the most recent updates, so you might want to try dev01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de:9095 instead ====== Look-API ====== https://jamboard.google.com/d/12QmvtZEFKk65ERJRU-ZGoniwVzmK_XBvpILIoXw8gao/viewer?ts=65426054&f=3