====== Report Engine import ops ====== I note down here things that are used to import into the report engine. the scripts live in the [[https://git.picalike.corpex-kunden.de/v5/v5-osa-report-api|Report Engine Git]] in the 'julius' branch. Tasks are: exporting intscores, visual attributes, krawla startpages and importing to report engine. Scripts are deployed on dev01 and dev02, here comes the list: ===== DEV02 ===== script to upload int scores to osa data mongo:\\ ''%%/home/picalike/v5/v5_sim_api/scripts/push_intscores_mongo.py%%''\\ → called per cron script to upload visual attributes to osa data mongo:\\ ''%%/home/picalike/v5/scripts/push_attrs_mongo.py%%''\\ → called per cron ===== DEV01 ===== HINT: logs in ''%%/home/picalike/import_mongo/logs%%'' script to import feed shops into report engine (twice a week at the moment):\\ ''%%/home/picalike/import_mongo/feed_import.sh%%''\\ → called per cron script to import krawla shops that finished during the last 24 hours (SCB):\\ ''%%/home/picalike/import_mongo/daily_krawla_import.sh%%''\\ → called per cron script to get startpage data for krawla shops:\\ ''%%/home/picalike/import_mongo/daily_startpage_import.sh%%''\\ → called per cron script to generate a bash script to import shops that were not imported this week:\\ ''%%/home/picalike/import_mongo/old_shops.py%%''\\ → trigger manually (takes ~5 minutes) (and remove the bash script after using it)