====== Use Case: AGS v3->v5 Migration ======
/api.php?r=1&gender=FEMALE&f=0.3&w=1&limit=15&i=83824-SE-6%2C5&key=cGljc2ltaWxhcjozNTMw <-- url encoded id
===== Issues =====
“product_id”: “54071-SE-5,5 the product ID contains a ”,“ which is the separator for the CSV output
===== Evaluation =====
Use the billing data to generate more test queries
===== Setup of the pipeline =====
==== Feed Import ====
pipenv sync
python3 scripts/setup_db.py > setup.sql
python3 scripts/setup_db.py --sim_dummy > setup_sim.sql
docker-compose -f docker-compose-sim-dev.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose-sim-dev.yml build
docker-compose -f docker-compose-sim-dev.yml up -d
pipenv run python3 scripts/setup_local_mongo.py