====== Daily QA/Operations Task for the V5/PSQL ====== Cron output at dev02 is sent to the local inbox and can be viewed with mutt. The machine should at least be checked two times:
less /var/mail/picalike | grep ERROR
* warnings:
less /var/mail/picalike | grep WARNING
→ list shops with: many missing cat maps, truncated prices, …
=== v5 extractor === there is a script for error checking: /home/picalike/v5/scripts/check_extractor_logs.sh check that the v5_extractor is up & running and that were recent enrichments for any shop:
docker logs -t --tail 10000 v5_extractor_container 2>&1 | grep "times: img/net/store"
important check:
docker logs -t --tail 30000 v5_extractor_container 2>&1 | grep "error rate above"
check the summary of all shop enrichments:
curl --silent "http://localhost:1115/list_history?non_empty=1"| python3 -m json.tool
if a shop has errors » 0 or processed_images « total_images, check the logs:
docker logs -t --tail 20000 v5_extractor_container 2>&1 | grep SHOP_ID
=== Image Blocking ===
Recently it happened that shops block the image cloud, despite a user-agent, to check for shops for which this happened, check the tiny proxy log:
ssh picalike@v22019026221283999.supersrv.de
grep ": CONNECT" /home/picalike/proxy/tinyproxy.log |cut -d':' -f5|cut -d' ' -f3|sort -u
grep "Dec 21" /home/picalike/proxy/tinyproxy.log | grep Timeout | wc -l
For an overview time-outs per domain use dump_timeouts.py:
A domain is listed there if at least one image had status_code 403 (forbidden/access denied). After this happened, all further requests for this domain are routed through the proxy!
=== Misc ===
* push_attrs: check that there are any uploads and the times are no super high
* upload_int_scores: check that uploads have been performed to reports engine (multiple times per day) and also to pre-live (at least once a day)
* grep for ERRORs and WARNINGs in refresh_daily_[pre]live logs to see if there are new (not in weekly logs) problems
Keywords: devops v5 operations qa daily mutt import ops