===== Witt Reports =====
This project was initiated by a customer request: https://trello.com/c/o1Rs0TcH/259-witt-api-for-sold-out-products-in-visualytics The reports need to be updated daily (except style_cover, which changes weekly)
===== High level Description =====
This solution is split into two components:
* A FastAPI service that provides two endpoints to generate the required CSV files
* A bash script that calls the service and stores the result in a location that can be accessed by the customer
===== Links =====
* GIT: https://git.picalike.corpex-kunden.de/incubator/witt-reports-api
* Generated Reports
* http://support.picalike.com/witt_reports/look_coverage.csv
* http://support.picalike.com/witt_reports/look_availability.csv
===== Operations =====
The service to generate the report lives on pci01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de, while the cronjob to store the report on a webserver lives on frontend01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de
=== Deploy this service ===
It is installed via docker. In the git are bash skripts for deployment to pci01. It follows the typical
* bash ice_tea_build.sh
* bash ice_tea_push.sh
* bash ice_tea_deploy.sh
=== Start this service ===
* on pci01: cd ~/docker_bin/witt_reports/ ; bash ice_tea_run.sh
* on frontend01: bash ~/bin/witt_reports.sh
=== Use this service ===
* curl http://pci01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de:8320/style_coverage > /tmp/style_cover.csv # should be fast
* curl http://pci01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de:8320/availability > /tmp/avail.csv # could take a while
=== Repair this service ===
* your guess is as good as mine
* restarting the docker container on pci01 might help
===== Known Issues =====
* not connected to any serivce discovery service (intentionally not connected to zookeeper)
* logging does not have timestamps
* logging needs general improvement
===== Super Special Knowledge =====
* The webservice performs a lot of calls to pci-server:/get_product_metaData in an asynchronous fashion.
* The list of witt shops is currently hard coded in main.py (problem for future self)
* pci-server is hard coded to http://pci01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de:8090
* the docker container is restarted every morning at 7 AM to avoid memory issues
* the report generation is triggered via cronjob on picalike@frontend01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de (not HPC)
===== Experiments / Results / Knowledge Base =====
You performed a test? share it.
===== Dependencies =====
* PCI: http://dokuwiki.picalike.corpex-kunden.de/pci_doku
===== Incident Log =====
===== Authors =====
* Johannes Otto
* Bjoern Zessack