crontab -l
on hostUse the Color Export API to label images for Betty Barclay based on a daily feed.
In each program run the feed is imported from an sFTP Server (compare Dependencies). Then every entry is evaluated by first looking into a Mongo DB and if the image was evaluated in a previous run, the Color Export is applied to determine the color. New entries are added to the collection to save run time. Afterwards an output feed is created by adding a color column and saved to the sFTP host. Finally a report is written. The Mail Service is used to inform Julius after each program run if any error occurred.
Currently an Excel Sheet exists where Betty Barclay adds items they would label differently.
Sandy > color_export_db > betty_barclay
(Image URLs and the determined color)Sandy > color_export_db > reports_stage
(Run reports for staging system)Sandy > color_export_db > reports_live
(Run reports for live system)