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Picolibs SettingsClient

The settings Client from Picolibs is a middleware to pick settings and information from our data-system. The Settings Client, needs a parameter: the address from the settings provider.

If a method fails, or a response from settings-provider, came with error status. The settings provider returns None


get_info_by_shopid(shop_id, timeout=5)

Out: None, if any errors in settings-provider.
     { key: value } , all dictionary that is in "info" key.
get_apikey_by_shopid(shop_id, timeout=5)
Out: None, if any errors in settings-provider.
     apikey<str> , the apikey string

get_mongo_prefix_by_shopid(shop_id, timeout=5)

Out: None, if any errors in settings-provider.
     mongo_prefix<str> , the mongo-prefix string
     PS: If the mongo_prefix key not in controller, it uses the shop_id as mongo_prefix

get_shopid_by_apikey(apikey, timeout=5)

Out: None, if any errors in settings-provider.
     shop_id<str> , the shop_id string


Out: None, if any errors in settings-provider.
     <list> , the list that contains all shop_ids found

Small coding exemple

from  picolibs.settings_client import SettingsClient as set_client  
ip = ""
sc = set_client(ip)
resp = sc.get_info_by_shopid(shopid) #Returns dict or None
resp = sc.get_apikey_by_shopid(shopid) #Returns str or None
resp = sc.get_mongo_prefix_by_shopid(shopid) #Returns str or None
resp = sc.get_shopid_by_apikey(apikey) #Returns str or None
resp = sc.get_all_shopids() #Returns a list or None.
resp = sc.get_settings(shop_id, field (optional)) # Returns the settings for a shop id. 
#If no field given, it returns all settings. Raises a KeyErrorException if no field found in the settings