Our customers Madeleine and Atelier Goldner Schnitt use widgets for their service. The Code lives on
for AGS its the file outfit_widget.php , for madeleine sim_widget.php
HINT: the following is possibly outdated
API used to display the top called products from our APIs
We send the messages (ZMQ) from billing direct to /in route as POST (JSON) and save in API's MongoDB
Returns the most trendy products from a category of one shop. Only returns available products. Products sorted in descending order by cluster_trend.
shop_id_key: <hash> i: <prod_id> # if "i" is set, category is same as given prod_id. Default: None optional: limit:<int> # default: 10 brand: <str> # default: all gender: <str> # default: all size: <int> # default: all price_till: <int> # default: no max price_from: <int> # default: no min r:0 or 1 # default: 1 # if r=1 and i is given returns ref_prod in results
{"count": 10, "description": "Category Trends", "generator": "http://picalike.com", "modified": "2019-04-29 08:24:04.480205", "title": "picalike Request", "ids": {"0": {"brand": "NO", "cluster_trend": 0.0, "extraimg": "https://www.witt.eu/product/resized/029/029.00K3F.072-127.002.u_5.jpg", "gender": "Damenmode", "shop_cat":"Frauen_Bekleidung_Hosen_Sweatpants", "id": "184097", "img": "https://www.witt.eu/product/resized/027/027.00KAT.022-123.013.i_5.jpg", "location": "https://www.witt-weiden.de/287202?articleNumber=184097", "name": "Hose", "price": 150.99, "min_price":135.99, "max_price":465.99,"strike_price":465.99,"x_size":[{"display_size":17,...},{...}]}, "1":{...}} }
API used to display “wer das gesehen hat, hat das auch gesehen”
API - URL: dev01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de:1113/get_trends
returns the most trendy attributes/pattern/colors/brands from the given picalike_cat
picalike_cat: <str> # Also possible sorting all cats that start with "fashion" --> "fashion_*" type: <str> ("pattern", "color", "attribute" or "brand") optional: limit:<int> # default: 10 shop_id: [<str>] # default: all shops (for sorting only crawler shops, type: "*_crawler") sort: <str> # "desc" or "asc" for sorting sort_by_trend: <boolean> # default: False (indicates what to sort for (position--> False or cluster_trend--> True)
out: {“msg”: “Found 5 documents”, “results”: [{“attribute”: [“pattern”], “cluster_trend”: -404.0, “position”: 1.0, “position_hist”: [“1.0”], “rank”: 0}, {“attribute”: [“business-style”], “cluster_trend”: -404.0, “position”: 1.0, “position_hist”: [“1.0”], “rank”: 1}, {“attribute”: [“summer”], “cluster_trend”: -404.0, “position”: 1.0, “position_hist”: [“1.0”], “rank”: 2}, {“attribute”: [“cropped”], “cluster_trend”: -404.0, “position”: 1.0, “position_hist”: [“1.0”], “rank”: 3}, {“attribute”: [“background”], “cluster_trend”: -404.0, “position”: 0.97934055, “position_hist”: [“0.9793404847040127”, “0.6460402342755284”], “rank”: 4}], “status”: 200}