Witt will regularly launch new shops/channels using our Look API and therefor small changes have to be applied whenever they launch.
Usually they send an E-Mail to dev that includes the name of the new channel (e.g. clde) denoted as CHANNEL_NAME from here on.
db.getCollection('user').find({company: “WCC Witt DE (CHANNEL_NAME)”})
–> replace “test” by “prod” in feedUrl_origvim etc/fs_action.conf
–> find path that contains CHANNEL_NAME –> replace “test” by “prod”If the existing looks should be copied from the test shop:
(change from_key and to_key to correspond to test shop and new shop)<HTML></ol></HTML>
(To execute the script picolibs have to be installed: pip install http://sg01.picalike.corpex-kunden.de/packages/picolibs-0.1.19+4.g5d828dc.tar.gz
(maybe a mor erecent version is available at picalike@sg01:/var/www/picalike.corpex-kunden.de/sg01/htdocs/packages$))
SAAT: www.sieh-an.at (der neue WCC Shop geht jedoch erst morgen live)
SACH: www.sieh-an.ch
SADE: www.sieh-an.de (LIvegang zum 01.04. geplant)
AMDE stimmt bereits
CLDE stimmt auch
Die anderen Shops sind noch in der Vorbereitung.
Aber hier schonmal die Links:
WISK: www.witt-international.sk
SANL: www.your-look-for-less.nl
WICZ: www.witt-international.cz
WPDE: www.waeschepur.de
WINL: www.witt-international.nl
WWAT: www.witt-weiden.at
WWCH: www.witt-weiden.ch
WWDE: www.witt-weiden.de
SASE: www.your-look-for-less.se
SAIT: www.modavilona.it